Monday, September 24, 2018

Business Cards

Business cards can be a lifesaver for your marketing plan if done correctly. Business cards are cheap ways of introducing yourself and your company to literally anybody that you meet. A stack of 500 cards will cost you about $20-$50 depending on where you buy them and how detailed you make them. Granted, you might want to spend a little bit more than the bare minimum on your cards. No one wants to get a plain white business card with your information in 12 point, times new roman. Add a nice picture to the background that is relative to you or to your business. That lets the customer know who you are, what you value, and what your company is, just at a quick glance. Keep the information brief; your name/your companies name, address, telephone number, and one or two social media platforms. Slip a business card to every family member, acquaintances, business associate, and worker you know. It's a fast way to get your business out there and hopefully, word of mouth will spread with your cards.

Saturday, September 22, 2018


There are billboards everywhere. They are all along the interstate, in towns, even out in the country. Yet, I could only tell you of a couple that truly stand out in my mind. Examples of such being, of course, all of the Alexander Shannarah ones that litter every free space in Alabama and the Florida panhandle, the cute chick fil a cows, and the "Go to Church or the Devil will get you" sign near Montgomery. Billboards can be effective tools for advertising if you can create something cute or catchy. Otherwise you are just spending a lot of money on something that just blurs together in peoples minds. Proper use of colors, lights, figurines, etc. must be used in order to catch and hold peoples eyes for more than a few seconds. Because truly, that is mainly all the time people can look at them while driving.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Cengage problems

I am going through a situation with the online company that my accounting classes are using called Cengage. I am having problems with the multi-semester course code given to me when i purchased the text book. I sent Cengage Help an email trying to resolve the issue on 8/21. As of today, 9/17, i received one email in response saying "Do you still have an issue?" Yes, I do, seeing as your help center has not contacted me in the slightest. Throughout this issue, I am learning that it is very important to reach out to the customers that contact you about whatever product it is that you are selling. Your business is only as successful as the people who frequent it. If the customers are unsatisfied, then business will suffer. If people are happy, then business should boom. Hopefully, this experience has at least taught me a small portion of customer satisfaction.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Social Media's importance

Social media is inescapable in today's society. From Facebook, to Instagram, to Tumblr, to WhatsApp; most people have some form of media in their pockets. I think that lends to a marketers decision making greatly. Also, you can more accurately target your focus group, i.e- certain age groups, genders, ethnicity, location- through whichever media that you market through algorithms. Personally, I would try to market my bar through Facebook and Instagram primarily, followed by Bing/Google. I think most people use those three media outlets at least once or twice a day, maybe more. 

Don't even know.

Honestly, I've learned a lot from this course this semester. The marketing plan that we made really helped me plan out what I need to do...