Sunday, November 18, 2018

Entreprenuership interview

This week in class, we interviewed an entrepreneur, Jen Britt. She ran Jen's Bakery in Holly Pond. During the conversation that followed, I learned several things. Most important being, you have to dedicate every minute to the business. Doesn't matter if you're tired, or sick, or just don't feel like doing anything that day. You also can't put half of your attention on it. It's all or nothing, and when nothing isn't an option, it's everything. Blood, sweat, and tears go into building the dream. Once that dream is accomplished, the amount of pride you have in it will be all the motivation you need. Another thing I learned is that you have to be patient. Your business wont just take off overnight. You have to build it up steadily and solidly. 

Sunday, November 11, 2018


At this point in the semester, it seems like everything is a mad dash to the finish line. We have little more than a month left and it is around this time that many people start to give up mentally. Every assignment leaves a headache. Motivation is non-existent. Every deadline is dreaded and postponed.
The point being, taking time for yourself to mentally reset is important. Take one day, or two, and relax. Take a nice hot shower/bath. Read a book, cook a meal. Go have an adventure. Do whatever you have to do to get your mind right on whats important. Working yourself to death helps nothing and no one in the long haul. So take a break. Breathe. Focus on yourself first, then get back to it.

Don't even know.

Honestly, I've learned a lot from this course this semester. The marketing plan that we made really helped me plan out what I need to do...